
Showing posts from April, 2009

what it takes to be being me.

this isn't a short cut or route to reach a pinnacle what u can call being me. Apparently I don't know how to describe myself either. If I have to settle for a one word to describe myself I would rather end up in Confusion. So I'm leaving the general scenario, which is making the things complicated. Just thinking about the situation right where I am, it is in a sort of state which is shuttling between confusion and reluctance. I don't like when I'm made to work. A person like me would think why the hell did humankind make progress. Let alone technology why did we even come out of our cave life. it would have been real fun. I would have certainly enjoyed living a brute life. change of priorities! The Work. With an attitude like this when if I'm tied up in a work anyone can deduce how well I will be coping up with the situation. For a person in the genre of a nomad when he is made to confine his life in a cubicle(a hall with everyone trespassing is to be taken as t...

First Sight

According to my friend Junaid (junu) the effect caused by first sight is diminutive. He says, rarely do we see things with their real magnitude when we see it for the first time. More often we are prepared to belittle the real magnitude. I don't have a philosophical view about this, rather it was Her if you ask me. She was so gorgeous. I liked her the very moment I saw her. In almost every case a boy will be happy seeing a girl, but I was sad. I couldn't even bear the mere thought of being not able to see her again. Situation many a times won't let you think but forces to act even if that is absurd. I walked straight to her. Me : Hi Answer was nothing but a perplexed look on her face. Me : This is an awkward thing to do. But I'm left with no other option than this. From the moment I saw you, I couldn't take my eyes off you. And I don't mind doing that over a life time. You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen. (Till now I didn't menti...

Frustrated Days

I don't know where to start this. I mean, which part of my life where the depression had an upper hand over other emotions. And putting me further in the pain is the fact that no one has anything to do with this or I could have shared some of the blame with them. It is just because I didn't have any job with me and not by any means it has anything to do with, me not able to make any money.. So Depression or Frustration started when I passed from the college, not really the way you expect when you hear the word passed. I mean some way you have to get out of the college, by the time normal students finish the course the college will relieve you though you may be so blessed with many arrears(Thank God supplementary papers got such a great synonym. Even though the situation is horrible, sounds great when you utter it). So I have had arrears. As a matter of fact I still have it in my credit. When I was studying in CET there were ample opportunities to grab good jobs. It would hav...

En Route

The real inspiration I got to start blogging is from Deepak R. who was my senior in CET. He finished his B.Tech long before I made my plan to start one. What ever acquaintance I have had with him was enough to cherish for a life time though. He used to be a teaching staff at Barton Hills TVM. During my third semester in the college he was the external in charge of the University lab Exam. As expected I didn't get any output and the viva was my last hope. I was praying for a miracle to happen, an emergency exit, to escape the only possible verdict. Here comes the first question. Mr D: How many back logs did you have in your first year?? (possibly making me aware that he won't hesitate ) Me: Three. Mr D: What all ? Me: Graphics, Civil and Mr D: And what ? Me: And Electronics. Mr D: Electronics ! That was because I was an electronics student. He would have hoped for a confrontation with an Electronics Geek but rather ended up with me. He wouldn't have...

Redeemed !

When I read 5point someone of Chethan Bhagat I admired the way he had written it. I always admired the way authors like him came up with stories that are so close to us. We find the characters in those stories so real and feel like knowing them from somewhere around us. We could find so much familiarity in those characters but won't come up with stories like they do or produce anything close to that. We have barricaded all our senses but those people observe the world around them and use it in their stories. They might have molded their senses by associating each one of us with their characters. Let me also start viewing the world like they do and see the change, my change in perspective brings to me ....Let me find my protagonist It is easier to say something. I just proved that right here. I know,I am not much of a raconteur. I am not good at describing anecdotes. My friends tell me that I beat around the bush a lot. I'm doing the same thing here too .OK let me come to the po...