
Ten things I want to do, given that my time here is limited. This is giving me a feel of someone who is going to die soon, not so inspiring. Hmmm. so let me cut short everyone’s life here. So some terror is awaiting and I’m the only one who is aware of it. But certainly there is nothing I could do apart from making most of the time that is available. When Nikhil asked me to make a note on things I would I like to do, I thought it would be easy. But the fact is sickening, I couldn’t come up with something that I’m thriving to do as easily as I expected it to be. Pondering for a while, I came up with a few. So let me add, this list is susceptible to change with the course of time. In a rush to make a list I might have missed a few assuming I haven’t completely got into such frame of mind. So for now, here is the list irrespective of its possibility of occurring. Bucket list. Live like a Nomad even if it is for a while. Travel all around the world, see wonderful things w...