A Mere Interlude

In close friend circles I am called a blogger. Not that it has got anything to do with my writing, they feel  I spend a considerable amount of time blogging.

Yes I am a blogger. I really enjoy doing it and feel really happy being associated with such a tag. But then I have to correct it, I used to be one.

 I guess  it is relatively easy to start something, but more difficult part is to keep up with the start. All this time I have tried to  write but was never able to take it further.

I have no such worries this time. I am writing this post just  to make myself believe that this particular phase is a mere interlude and I will get back to what I love 



  1. Dude.. every aspiring, wannabe writers will go through this phase called writers-block.. don't worry.. its because you have set a standard for yourself... Don't worry about it.. we'll buy whatever you sell.. so keep writin

  2. @Hashim Thanks bro... I know you will keep on reading ..


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