
The Trailer. Note : Trailer or Accidents. It took me a while to pick a title for this post. I have met with many accidents, minor and semi major, but nothing gave me nightmares like this one in particular. I never had a near death experience prior to this, nothing that I am aware of. Interestingly I started having nightmares after I picked Interpretation of Dreams to read. But that is as far as the connections go. Me and my roommate Rohan were heading back to our place from office. The night was young, the city and its inhabitants were slowly going to their sleep. Streets were almost deserted apart from the few night vendors here and there. It was a perfect time for a night ride. When we reached the pipeline junction, the signal was red. Though the roads were empty and there weren't any vehicles crossing the junction that moment, we waited there before the signal. It was a needless act I must say. We started moving when we got g...