New Year Resolutions

First week of January. It is that time of the year, right? Have resolutions, then have selective amnesia, only to remember them by the start of the next year and repeat the cycle all over again.

I have a friend who paid for an annual gym subscription at the start of every year for three consecutive years, only to visit the gym half a dozen times. You could even say he went there only to pay the subscription fee if you’re willing to round it off. From my learning about his approach and experiences in the first year, I did foretell and warn him not to make further investments when he was going to renew his membership for the next couple of years. Apparently, gyms thrive on such subscriptions. I am sure they can hardly accommodate all the New Year resolution joinees if they actually became regulars.

But he did understand all of that. His theory was that once the payment was made, the idea of not wasting money would motivate him to make regular visits to the gym. Making the payment was his first step toward that commitment. Each year, this became a familiar ritual: pay the fee, visit occasionally, and repeat. Now he has switched to more practical and economically viable options like walking and controlling his food intake—calorie intake, to be more technical. And he is benefiting from it.

The idea of resolutions is like that, right? Have sensible ones that you can continue and improve upon over the following years. So let’s not say no to resolutions just yet.

What about you? Have you made any resolutions this year?

As for me, one of mine is to restart scribbling. 

Happy new year :-)


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