
Showing posts from 2009

a pepe a lee and me

  a pepe a lee and me!! Man proposes but God disposes. This was how I felt at the end of the day. But I cant put the entire blame on Him. I placed myself in such a situation where He could have done nothing but dispose my plans. My room mates went home for the weekend. I had plans to go home, but it didn’t work out. My parents didn’t like me reaching there so early (2 am). They were expressing concerns and were giving lectures on the consequences of reaching there at an unearthly hour during the chaotic election period(in kannur!!!). So I dropped my plan and I was stuck in my room alone. The weekend was ahead of me without really knowing what to do with it . Half of the first day went without any fuss sleeping watching TV and turning few pages of a novel, then I started getting bored. Cleaning the room was a good option for the time killing, an uphill task which can keep you busy till the night unless you are lost in the mess. As usual I deferred it. I have been planning...


Yesterday all of a sudden she came back to me, I mean her name crossed my mind quite unexpectedly. Like the way it came to my mind her entry in my life was sudden and so was the departure, leaving a tiny memory behind, a cherished one though. It brings a smile on my face each time I think about it. Nileena was much like any other girl we used to ogle during our vayinottam sessions back in our college days. Only difference is that she is the one, as a matter of fact the only one, who said I like you. She just said I like you, but I loved it and her as well. This was how it really happened. We didn't let go any chance to talk (The Scientific name is Panchara Adi) to a girl and Nileena was one such victim. We (Hashim Narayan Ranji and me )the usual class bunkers were assembled in the department front taking account of all the trespassers going to and fro (all the girls who are passing by). The day was proving to be futile, we were about to move to the Pancharakadu (nam...


This is a different kind of season. It comes twice in a year. Most prominent of the differences with the normal kind of season is that, it is custom made for each individual. It varies accordingly, with their performances of earlier seasons. What I'm referring to is an Exam Season. The present season is getting closer. Each time I vow to make it the last one. But then a 'season next' always happens. Scene - a sample day in a season A room you might consider calling ‘a dumping zone’, unless you spot three untidy souls in its depths. It was lighted even in that late hours. Three of them were trying hard not to get away from the task they were supposed to carry out before the night fall, to finish three modules from the scratch. They have just returned after watching the Emperor fall before his nemesis Rafael Nadal in the final of French Open making millions of followers disheartened which includes two of them. Other one being a Nadal fan was having every possible happi...

how to look at a girl

It was a nice Sunday evening and I was spending some quality time with her. We were having snacks from her favorite hotel. We looked for a private space but couldn’t find any, so were made to sit in a corner in the highly crammed hotel. As we were eating she complained that someone was staring at her. There wasn’t any point in creating an issue there, I asked her to let it go. She didn’t like the way I responded and was having a cold look on her face. I wasn’t sure if she was suggesting that I should question the person who did the blatant act. The point to be brave is always good (especially when you are with a girl). But the anonymity of the person behind my back scared me. If he turned out to be a heavily built one, it would have an opposite effect. I might not be left in a state that would let me do braver deeds later in life. More over we are from the country where Mahatma Gandhi lived!! So I tried to console her. But she was in no mood to let it go that easily and was going t...

A stranger

While you travel, at times you will get acquainted with people whom you won’t forget for a long time. I too made such acquaintances while I traveled. I think one of them is worth mentioning, a B'lore walla I met here in Kerala. The IPL second edition was in its final stages. I personally didn’t follow any team for rarely did I get a chance to watch a match. I was being updated with match details by my friends. That day I was having a journey to Trivandrum from Ernakulam. I don’t remember which train it was, but do remember that I got into a sleeper compartment with a general ticket as the train was about to leave. I was waiting near the foot board to get down in the next station to get back to general compartment A person was sitting at the foot board enjoying the sceneries outside having a chat over his phone in his mother tongue (not Malayalam), suddenly made a triumphant action. I heard him mentioning Dravid at some point. Only then did I understand that it was regarding IPL. I...

Les Noces

Les Noces is a French word for wedding. Yesterday 12th of July my college-mate Hasna got married.  It is not for the first time I’m attending a marriage function. And Hasna wasn't the first one from my class in college to get married. Two others got married before her but I couldn't attend both. So it was for the first time I was attending a function like this of any of my classmates. Countless others right from my school days might have got married which I’m totally unaware of, so I need not go into that. The marriage was held at Municipal Town hall in Manjeri. Most of my classmates were expected to be there. Junu Hash and Narayan were busy with their own issues, so they were not attending. I was in two minds about going. Me Ojas and Abdulla were exchanging calls but none of us could convince each other to go. It was a chance to meet old friends. The call for rendezvous was strong but my laziness got better of it in the end. I decided not to go until I received a call from ...

Red Killers

Now I started believing in fate! If you return home safe after travelling in the Private Bus service in Ernakulam, I believe it certainly has something to do with destiny. The way they run the service gives one the implication that they are directly recruited by The Lord of Death. When I landed here in Ernakulam my friend Rishin gave me the first introduction precisely like this. "Man, these are the Red Killers, keep a distance from them". But that is not possible for the simple reason that we are relying on red killers for our transportation. Keeping a distance is a distant thought for now. So it is up to destiny to make its decision here. But it certainly is an experience travelling in a Red Killer. You will start valuing your life, makes you alert on every second and they teach you how to be fast in your life (bit too fast though). My colleague Aswini says the name of a bus always suggest something like if it is 'Heaven' you will see the heaven while tra...


Last day Narayanan(Nikhil)one of my cronies, asked me to write about Ai'me . Like he said it is the feeling that mattered while you are writing about a person and not the content. So I‘m taking the courage to write about her. Back in the college days there were people we secretly admired. But we didn’t let it go beyond us. She was one such person we admired. When attendance shortage forbids you to be out wandering in the college premises, you could have a single alternative for time killing, keep enjoying the resources available. We electronics students are considered to be most unlucky, so troubled with severe shortage of beauties we could call our own. We had to depend a lot on Civil, Electrical even CS departments to compensate for our terrible loss. So when being made to confine in the class you got to make yourself satisfied with whatever grace luck bestow upon you. That's how we started looking Ai'mie . During earlier days in the college it was Chérie. She was ...


That fine night was also on its way to be a sleepless one, we were having an exam. Subject was Linear Integrated Circuits, LIC in short. Me Hashim and Midhun a.k.a MR were having it. The whole three of us got assembled in Hashim's house. As we were used to getting backlogs, it didn't put much sense in us. After spending time having fun with others those who didn’t have the exam, when we opened the syllabus, it was too late and a night was left for us to make a quick ride through the topic. MR and me decided to stick on with the nightout and Hash succumbed to sleep( he chose to sleep he would say). Night went on, we tried several methods to keep the sleep at bay. Half sleeping half studying we were advancing towards a successful night out. But when it was around 4am I knew I couldn’t hold my sleep further and MR was already having a little nap. I wasn’t anywhere near one and a half module mark and sleeping at that time would spoil every little hope that was left. What I coul...

back to square one

What ever ways I have tried to redeem myself have gone in vain. En Route to this point of my life has been a blend of fortuitous events rather than intentional ones. Last night I tried to picturize myself, say, after ten years in a realistic manner. It seemed quite dark. I could see myself cursing for the chances I have spilled. I hoped I would revive after having serious thoughts for the first time in my life, apart from day dreaming about becoming Bill Gates. Nothing really happened. I was back to my usual self. EasyGoing, Carefree and lazy. Nothing could define me in a better way. Back to Square one. "Chankaran pinneyum thenginmel Thanne"

a kiss

I got a Kiss. I would say it was a sugar kiss, from a girl for sure. Its charm isn't lifted even now, though it was a mere sms kiss. More over it was a misdirected one. I wasn't the intended recipient rather peeped into my friend's inbox and read(by mistake) the message from his love interest. Early in the morning I was woken up by a message alert tone from his mobile. I looked at the 1 message received tag that cost me my sleep. knowingly and unknowingly I opened it. Before I could realize what was happening there were kisses all over me. I thought about waking my friend and telling the account. Though he is one great friend I wasn't supposed to read that kinda stuff and content was beyond giving a realistic presentation Few hours later he darted towards me. H: Did you read any of my messages? Me(innocent face): Ya.. I saw that ..What was it? (CounterAttack is the best defense) H: Don't act. I know you have read that properly! Me: eh.. But I forgot.What was th...


It was 00.00.15. Finally the time had come. We decided to move according to our ‘plan’. The conditions prevailing were perfectly fitting for the execution of anything you could call a plan - " tedious exam season ". The Plan was simple, 'a Night out'. That was the last part. To have a night ride to Buhari (a hotel in kizhakkekotta) have food from there (mutton chops was really popular back then)  and study the whole night (if possible) was the plan. The last semester exams were going on and we were having a combined study. We (me and Narayanan) started our preparations earlier than usual, two days before the exam and had every sort of frustrations doing an act we were not so used to. Someone proposed the plan and everyone seconded the idea without any second thought. Whole day went without much ado planning the night out. Obviously studying nothing.... So we set for Buhari in a bike. The signs weren’t that good.  The Bike, like any other two-wheeler in the colleg...

Tour Diary

Topics are really draining out. So I have decided to use Dumbledore's Pensieve and dwell into my past (refer Harry Potter Series, 5 onwards to know about pensieve). As I'm so blessed with a highly deteriorated memory even a pensieve can't be of much help. let me try. This is about a journey I have had, to Bangalore few months back. It was planned as a casual visit to my cousin sister's house, who has been residing there after her marriage. Since then she was asking me to go over there which I didn't do. My college life kept me busy. But as it was over and I was staying in my home, doing nothing but staring at the roof. I thought a different roof won't do much harm to my eyes. So i decided to go over there. My cousin brother Deepak was also with me. He was the one who planned the trip, booked a ticket for me and what I had to do was to sit in the bus and wait for it to reach the destination. Day One. I had always hoped that a change of place might bring s...

what it takes to be being me.

this isn't a short cut or route to reach a pinnacle what u can call being me. Apparently I don't know how to describe myself either. If I have to settle for a one word to describe myself I would rather end up in Confusion. So I'm leaving the general scenario, which is making the things complicated. Just thinking about the situation right where I am, it is in a sort of state which is shuttling between confusion and reluctance. I don't like when I'm made to work. A person like me would think why the hell did humankind make progress. Let alone technology why did we even come out of our cave life. it would have been real fun. I would have certainly enjoyed living a brute life. change of priorities! The Work. With an attitude like this when if I'm tied up in a work anyone can deduce how well I will be coping up with the situation. For a person in the genre of a nomad when he is made to confine his life in a cubicle(a hall with everyone trespassing is to be taken as t...

First Sight

According to my friend Junaid (junu) the effect caused by first sight is diminutive. He says, rarely do we see things with their real magnitude when we see it for the first time. More often we are prepared to belittle the real magnitude. I don't have a philosophical view about this, rather it was Her if you ask me. She was so gorgeous. I liked her the very moment I saw her. In almost every case a boy will be happy seeing a girl, but I was sad. I couldn't even bear the mere thought of being not able to see her again. Situation many a times won't let you think but forces to act even if that is absurd. I walked straight to her. Me : Hi Answer was nothing but a perplexed look on her face. Me : This is an awkward thing to do. But I'm left with no other option than this. From the moment I saw you, I couldn't take my eyes off you. And I don't mind doing that over a life time. You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen. (Till now I didn't menti...

Frustrated Days

I don't know where to start this. I mean, which part of my life where the depression had an upper hand over other emotions. And putting me further in the pain is the fact that no one has anything to do with this or I could have shared some of the blame with them. It is just because I didn't have any job with me and not by any means it has anything to do with, me not able to make any money.. So Depression or Frustration started when I passed from the college, not really the way you expect when you hear the word passed. I mean some way you have to get out of the college, by the time normal students finish the course the college will relieve you though you may be so blessed with many arrears(Thank God supplementary papers got such a great synonym. Even though the situation is horrible, sounds great when you utter it). So I have had arrears. As a matter of fact I still have it in my credit. When I was studying in CET there were ample opportunities to grab good jobs. It would hav...

En Route

The real inspiration I got to start blogging is from Deepak R. who was my senior in CET. He finished his B.Tech long before I made my plan to start one. What ever acquaintance I have had with him was enough to cherish for a life time though. He used to be a teaching staff at Barton Hills TVM. During my third semester in the college he was the external in charge of the University lab Exam. As expected I didn't get any output and the viva was my last hope. I was praying for a miracle to happen, an emergency exit, to escape the only possible verdict. Here comes the first question. Mr D: How many back logs did you have in your first year?? (possibly making me aware that he won't hesitate ) Me: Three. Mr D: What all ? Me: Graphics, Civil and Mr D: And what ? Me: And Electronics. Mr D: Electronics ! That was because I was an electronics student. He would have hoped for a confrontation with an Electronics Geek but rather ended up with me. He wouldn't have...

Redeemed !

When I read 5point someone of Chethan Bhagat I admired the way he had written it. I always admired the way authors like him came up with stories that are so close to us. We find the characters in those stories so real and feel like knowing them from somewhere around us. We could find so much familiarity in those characters but won't come up with stories like they do or produce anything close to that. We have barricaded all our senses but those people observe the world around them and use it in their stories. They might have molded their senses by associating each one of us with their characters. Let me also start viewing the world like they do and see the change, my change in perspective brings to me ....Let me find my protagonist It is easier to say something. I just proved that right here. I know,I am not much of a raconteur. I am not good at describing anecdotes. My friends tell me that I beat around the bush a lot. I'm doing the same thing here too .OK let me come to the po...